Monday, January 31, 2011

back to school...

today in class we began by switching seats, then we talked about how to set up our blogs and subscribe and email Mr.schick. some people have not created their blog yet and we got that all situated. after that we continued to watch guns germs and steel, here are my notes. Jared Diamond is a professor at UCLA and he is a biologist by training, a specialist in human physiology, but his real passion has always been about the study of birds. He makes regular trips to Papua New Guinea to study birds and is now a leading expert of studying birds on the island. During his stays in New Guinea though he has begun to study the people there. He has learned several of their languages and much of what he knows about birds he has learned from the natives. A man called Nellie asked the doctor “why come you white man have so much cargo and why we New Guineans have so little”. Doctor Diamond has been trying to answer that question for 30 years now. New Guineans are among the most adaptable people in the world they have survived for more than 40,000 years and are still in the Stone Age. The U.S. has only been established for 500 years and we have the most modern technology.

gun germs and steel notes

diamond has been trying to answer why some civilazations evolve faster than others
barley and wheat are more nutrisous than sago.
archeologists found the first set civilazation and the first form of a granary.
when humans change the features of a plant called demestocation

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Wednesday, January 26, 2011


today we didnt have school because of the snow. hopefully we dont have school tommarow.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Guns, Germs, Steel

Jared Diamond is a professor at UCLA and he is a biologist by training, a specialist in human physiology, but his real passion has always been about the study of birds. He makes regular trips to Papua New Guinea to study birds and is now a leading expert of studying birds on the island. During his stays in New Guinea though he has begun to study the people there. He has learned several of their languages and much of what he knows about birds he has learned from the natives. A man called Nellie asked the doctor “why come you white man have so much cargo and why we New Guineans have so little”. Doctor Diamond has been trying to answer that question for 30 years now. New Guineans are among the most adaptable people in the world they have survived for more than 40,000 years and are still in the Stone Age. The U.S. has only been established for 500 years and we have the most modern technology.

first day in western civ.

today in class we set up our western civilization blog. also after we did that we began to watch part one of guns steel and gurms. its going to be an exciting class.