Friday, March 25, 2011


 Today in class we really didn’t do anything that great. Mr. Schick asked the class about what we were going to do for our spring break project. I’m not too excited to be doing this over the break because this is supposed to be a time to relax. But anyway i am going to use my go kart as a charioted race and reenact the games of the Olympics. It is going to be more fun if I can get Jordan and Joe to help me with the project. After we got that all situated we just talked about why Sam hates people, and I traded places with Colby.

Thursday, March 24, 2011


 Today in class, we revised our test by going over answers around the class. It sucked because I got the answers wrong and I knew that I could have gotten them right. I am really glad that we went over the test because I feel like I understand the subject better and some answers that weren’t clear are now straightened out for me. The funniest part about today was when Sam asked Morgan about her nails when Morgan was trying to answer a question. Even though Morgan didn’t respond, Sam still continued to talk to her and answer questions. At the end of class we had to pick from Mr. Schick’s hand cards for what project we are going to do over spring break.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011


Today in class we took a test on ancient Greece. It was based on the people and the titles of important people and events during the ancient civilization of Greece. At the begging of the test it seemed really easy, I skipped the ones that I wasn’t sure about. I started to skip more and more of the questions. By the time I was finished the test my answers began to not match up considering my last answer stated that Xerxes was a Spartan ruler. The test was really hard and I got a 60 percent on it. It brought my grade down from a A to a B.

Monday, March 21, 2011


Pericles - brought Athenian democracy to its climax (height)
He was born into one of Athens elite families - but he still let the people run their own government
He turned his attention to the acropolis
Pericles wanted reconstruct the temples burnt down by the Persians
Wanted to build the Parthenon (enormous statue/temple of Athena - she was 40 feet tall)
Inside around the walls were  friezes - narrow piece of marble that is carved out showing common people of Athens  (there were 500 feet of these around the temple)
(Democracy - when you have freedom, the people will almost always do better)
Aspasia - Pericles' new "partner" (he left his wife for her) and he treated her as an equal
It caused a scandal - she was a prostitute, she wasn't from Athens, and she was a woman (she supposedly wrote his speeches for him)
Pericles and his circle became the most influential groups in Western History
Twice a year, the Athenians went to watch shows at an entertainment place (theater) -they invented drama and the theater - they were overblown gestures
Two kinds of theater plays they showed- comedies and tragedies

Sunday, March 13, 2011

movie notes

  • lyceny was brought up to be a ruler, he set the Greeks on the path to Empire.
  • Athen lays in the center of the peninsula, which we now call Greece. 
  • reading and writing was a rare skill
  • life expectancy was less than 15 years 
  • aristocrats ruled Athens
  • Aristotle wrote about Greece and how it is turned on its people.
  • Greece does not have the physical unity for a really great civilization of the Ancient World.
  • Greece was divided into City States
  • Sparta was a City State
  • Spartans were brought up from birth to be soldiers.
  • Sparta conquered 4,000 sq. miles
  • Sparta was a threat to all the other city states 

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

greek power point

today in class we started our new subject on Greek. mr Schick started reading us some book about the last stand in greece. it was like that movie 300 were they all died in the end. then we started on our power points on major Greek people and battles or places. i got the battle of marathon.

monday 3/7/11

i was not at school today because i was sick

Thursday, March 3, 2011

review of egypt

Today in western civilization we reviewed all of the facts about Egypt for our test next week sometime. Mr. Schick made a prezi for us to study and to take notes on and he went over it in class today. I think that the Egypt test will be easy because i know a lot of things about Egypt and how they built the pyramids. That must have been backbreaking work to do that when they had no form of machines just human strength, and they are still standing here today almost I the same exact condition that they were when they were built so long ago. Mr. Schick also let us out one mod early because we were finished reviewing.