Friday, May 6, 2011


Today was a half day and we only had like a 30 minute class.  We took a test on Rome.  I thought it was going to be harder than it was but it was actually pretty easy. i hope i get a good grade so i dont have a D anymore my mom is starting to get really mad at me.

Thursday, May 5, 2011


  • 1st paragraph
    • The Etruscans had a written language which Romans took most of their letters from
    • Tarquin was their king and he was the last king they had.  People started to hate him
  • 2nd Paragraph
    • many different forms of government put together
    • Carthage was in Africa
  • 3rd paragraph 
    • latifundia- a huge estate of villa (taken away from farmers after the war)
    • Gracchus brothers-Tiberius and Gauis
      • plebeians  nobles
      • attempted to pass a lands reform that would redistribute huge pieces of patrician land among the plebeians
      • assassinated for their attempts
  • 4th paragraph
    • he was appointed dictator for ten years 
    • Julius Caeser got money from Crassus
    • He entered a political with Crassus and Pompey (rich people) which was to dominate Roman politics for several years
    • he made a decision to cross a river into Gaul (the leader of Gaul said if they crossed it then that would be considered an act of war)
    • killed Caesar hoping to restore the government of republic
  • 6th paragraph
    • Cleopatra
      • said she was a rencarnation of a goddess
    • Octavian Antony and Lepidus formed an official three-man govermnet called the second triumvirate
    • Cleopatra tried to take over Octavius power
    • Antony fell in love with Cleopatra

Wednesday, May 4, 2011


Today in class Mr Schick was not here.  We were told to look at his website and it said to finish out projects.  me and jordan were already done because i did all of the work the night before so we just sat there and talked.

Monday, May 2, 2011

monday 5/2/11

Today in class Mr Schick assigned us a paragraph of his rap.  jordan and I got paragraph number seven.  It is about gladiators, pax romana, and a chariot racing stadium. I think will do a good job ang get a A so i c an bring my grade up.